Portuguese eID Middleware SDK  Version: 3.12.0
C++ SDK Examples

See Classes list for full documentation.


Add the initialization and release function in a appropriate place inside your application

#include "eidlib.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv){

Access to smartcard reader

In case there are multiple readers one can access the one with the card present as follows

PTEID_ReaderSet& readerSet = PTEID_ReaderSet::instance();
for( int i=0; i < readerSet.readerCount(); i++){
PTEID_ReaderContext& context = readerSet.getReaderByNum(i);
if (context.isCardPresent()){
PTEID_EIDCard &card = context.getEIDCard();

Or accessing reader directly as follows

PTEID_ReaderContext &readerContext = PTEID_ReaderSet.instance().getReader();

Get card holder information

Obtain the name or the address of a card holder

PTEID_EIDCard &card = readerContext.getEIDCard();
PTEID_EId& eid = card.getID();
std::string nome = eid.getGivenName();
std::string nrCC = eid.getDocumentNumber();

Use Contactless

To use the card's contactless interface, it is necessary to obtain the card's interface and its type, using getCardContactInterface() and getCardType() respectively.

//Gets the Card Contact Interface and type
PTEID_CardContactInterface contactInterface;
PTEID_CardType cardType;
//Gets the Card Contact Interface and type
if(readerContext.isCardPresent()) {
contactInterface = readerContext.getCardContactInterface();
cardType = readerContext.getCardType();

After obtaining both the contact interface and type, if the contact interface is contactless and the card supports contactless (PTEID_CARDTYPE_IAS5), then PACE Authentication is required to use the card through the contactless interface. PACE Authentication is done through the initPaceAuthentication function.

PTEID_EIDCard& card = readerContext.getEIDCard();
//If the contactInterface is contactless and the card supports contactless then authenticate with PACE
if (contactInterface == PTEID_CARD_CONTACTLESS && cardType == PTEID_CARDTYPE_IAS5){
std::string can_str;
std::cout << "Insert the Card access number (CAN) for the card in use: ";
std::cin >> can_str;
card.initPaceAuthentication(can_str.c_str(), can_str.size(), PTEID_CardPaceSecretType::PTEID_CARD_SECRET_CAN);

Get picture of a card holder

PTEID_EIDCard &card = readerContext.getEIDCard();
PTEID_EId& eid = card.getID();
PTEID_Photo& photoObj = eid.getPhotoObj();
PTEID_ByteArray& praw = photoObj.getphotoRAW(); // jpeg2000 format
PTEID_ByteArray& ppng = photoObj.getphoto(); // PNG format

Get address information

Ask the user to introduce the address pin the obtain the address

PTEID_EIDCard &card = readerContext.getEIDCard();
unsigned long triesLeft;
PTEID_Pins &pins = card.getPins();
PTEID_Pin &pin = pins.getPinByPinRef(PTEID_Pin.ADDR_PIN);
if (pin.verifyPin("", &triesLeft, true)){
PTEID_Address &addr = card.getAddr();
const char * municipio = addr.getMunicipality();

Get identity information in XML format

It's also possible to obtain card holder information in XML format, as follows

PTEID_EIDCard &card = readerContext.getEIDCard();
unsigned long triesLeft;
card.getPins().getPinByPinRef(PTEID_Pin::ADDR_PIN).verifyPin("", triesLeft, true);
PTEID_XmlUserRequestedInfo requestedInfo;
PTEID_CCXML_Doc &ccxml = card.getXmlCCDoc(requestedInfo);
const char * resultXml = ccxml.getCCXML();

How to read or write personal notes

The SDK allows to write or read notes. Read doesn't require any permission, however when writing the authentication pin needs to be requested. Only cards with CardType different than PTEID_CARDTYPE_IAS5(CC2) can read and write notes.

PTEID_CardType cardType;
//Gets the Card type
if(readerContext.isCardPresent()) {
cardType = readerContext.getCardType();
PTEID_EIDCard &card = readerContext.getEIDCard();
if (cardType != PTEID_CARDTYPE_IAS5){
std::string notes("a few notes");
PTEID_ByteArray personalNotes(notes.c_str(), notes.size() + 1);
bool bOk;
// read
char *my_notes = card.readPersonalNotes();
// write
bOk = card.writePersonalNotes(personalNotes, card.getPins().getPinByPinRef(PTEID_Pin.AUTH_PIN));

Verify and Change PINs

For example, change the address pin. Ask to verify the pin then change the pin itself.

PTEID_EIDCard &card = readerContext.getEIDCard();
unsigned long triesLeft;
PTEID_Pins &pins = card.getPins();
PTEID_Pin &pin = pins.getPinByPinRef(PTEID_Pin.ADDR_PIN);
if (pin.verifyPin("", &triesLeft, true)){
bool bResult = pin.changePin("","", triesLeft, pin.getLabel());
if (!bResult && -1 == triesLeft) return;

Signatures with eID card (citizen signature certificate)

Make sure to initialize the underlying classes that will be used to sign documents, as follows #### How to sign PDF documents (PAdES)

#include “eidlib.h”
PTEID_EIDCard &card = readerContext.getEIDCard();
//PDF file to sign
PTEID_PDFSignature signature(“/home/user/input.pdf”);
/* Optional settings for the signature */
// Apply a visible signature with half the height of regular visible signatures
/* Signature profile according to PAdES specification
PAdES-B: PTEID_SignatureLevel::PTEID_LEVEL_BASIC (default level)
// add custom image to the signature - it can't be used in combination with enableSmallSignatureFormat() method
// image_data should point to a JPEG format image with recommended dimensions 351x77 px
unsigned char *image_data;
unsigned long image_length;
//Select the location of visible signature in the document
//X and Y coordinates of the signature location as percentage of page width and height [0-1]
//To apply an invisible signature negative values should be specified for both parameters, e.g. -1
double location_x = 0.2;
double location_y = 0.2;
int page = 1;
const char * location = “Lisboa, Portugal”;
const char * reason = “Agree with the content in the file”;
//If the instance of PTEID_PDFSignature is in "batch mode" (see next section) output should have the output directory path instead of a file path
const char * output = “/home/user/output_signed.pdf”;
card.SignPDF(signature, page, sector, location_x, location_y, location, reason, output_file);

How to sign multiple PDF documents

It's possible to sign multiple PDF files in batch mode with a single PIN prompt, as follows

#include “eidlib.h”
PTEID_EIDCard &card = readerContext.getEIDCard();
//Initialize the signature with a file as input
PTEID_PDFSignature signature(“/home/user/input.pdf”);
//Add other files to the batch signature before invoking card.SignPDF()
signature.addToBatchSigning( “Other_File.pdf” );
signature.addToBatchSigning( “Yet_Another_FILE.pdf” );
double location_x = 0.2;
double location_y = 0.2;
int page = 1;
const char * location = “Lisboa, Portugal”;
const char * reason = “I agree with the content in the file”;
//In this case the output is a destination directory
const char * output = “/home/user/signed_documents/”;
card.SignPDF(signature, page, location_x, location_y, is_landscape, location, reason, output_file);

Note that when signing multiple files the signature profile selected with setSignatureLevel(), and the SignPDF() parameters reason, location, page, location_x and location_y are applied to all documents.

Verify a PAdES signature

One can verify a PAdES signature using the Java iText SDK. See iText-example for a concrete example of how to verify a signature.

How to sign any type of file (XAdES signature format)

Sign files in batch mode

const char *files[] = {"test/File1.txt",
const char *destination =”test/files_signed.zip”; //the output file that will contain all signatures
int n_paths = 4; // size of files array
// simple signature (1 unique signature for all files)
card.SignXades(destination, files, n_paths);
// timestamp signature (1 unique signature of type T (Timestamp) for all files)
card.SignXadesT(destination, files, n_paths);
// archival signature (1 unique signature of type A(archival) for all files)
card.SignXadesA(destination, files, n_paths);

Sign each file individually

const char *destination =”test/signed_files/”; // directory where all files will be saved
card.SignXadesIndividual(destinationDir, files, n_paths);
card.SignXadesTIndividual(destinationDir, files, n_paths);
card.SignXadesAIndividual(destinationDir, files, n_paths);
XAdES signature configuration

The SDK allows to use a different Timestamp authority to fetch timestamp, can be achieved as follows


Verify a XAdES signature

One can use the Java library DSS-Xades to validate a XAdES signature .